Another Pet-Peeve: Lying About Being “So Busy”…
Well, hello there, folks…
Well, I do have time to do this blog and I’m telling you the truth and I will follow through with posting this.
Sooooo, here is one of my pet-peeves when it comes to being online and doing stuffs on the internet… It is claiming to be busy when they’re really not, you KNOW that is LYING!!!!!!! Now, I have to deal with liars online as well. Thanks a lot for letting you know that you were sooooo “busy”… *sighs*…. I was quite peeved come to think of it. Somebody has lied to me when he was up around 3:00 am and has sent an email to his crush… I was like okay at first when this person sent an email to say sweet-nothings to her. And then go on the stupid MSN to chat on it…. I was like okay, how come you can’t go online and chat in a room go on in private chat with that young lady? Then, I got word from her since I was talking to her in the chat room last night that he was “sooooo busy” … I was like okay, maybe he’ll go online later on and explain what’s going on…. NOT!!!!!
Soooo don’t ever say that you’re busy to someone and then make someone tell someone else that you’re busy!!!! Are you that lazy? Or are you too busy sleeping.
So you DID have time to email and then instant message the young lady in the middle of the night, and then lie to me that you’re “busy”. How annoying….
You know I cannot stand people lying to me. I really cannot stand it when someone says one thing and then lie about it. Yes, I have caught this same man in his lies a number of times before, and I sort figured that it was the medications messing him up, but now I do not know. This person is very unpredictable, and you don’t what he is going to do and when... When he is like the “Sweet-and-Sour” dish.
Anyway; this is one of my big pet peeves about the people. I do not like it when people say one thing or another and then lie to me. I think I will pray for him to stop this annoyance. I really hate to say that he is starting to become a hypocrite.
You know? I have listened to that song from World Wide Message Tribe called “Hypocrite,” and, I just thought of it. Anyway; I had to deal with this person later about his lying because I didn’t appreciate having stay up all night and being told that he is busy in middle of the freaking night and he DID have time to write an email and then instant message the woman? Come on….Right now I am a bit ticked-off about it as I got up from bed and just thought about he has done.
Of course, I’ll say what I will say and then follow through with what I have to say. I did an “Unknown” blog and I have hidden it elsewhere on the Internet earlier this morning.
Soooooooooooo, I’m done with my writing about one of my pet-peeves… I know. I have many of them. Heehee. I’ll get to them when I am able to get to each one of them. See? I will follow through as soon as I get to them.
So I’ll catch you all later whenever I can. God bless and take care.
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