Monday, August 20, 2007

Phone Calls Rants...

I soooo wanted to wring somebody’s neck today….. Today, I had to deal with the harassing phone calls from an unknown phone number in Utah. This has started about 5 days ago on Thursday morning. I have first missed those calls until they have become persistent on Friday. I did some checking online and have found that a lot of people are having the same problems as I have, and it is very frustrating.

Same thing happened on Saturday and Sunday. It was getting very aggravating. Today, on Monday, I simply blew my fuse. I was so fed up with these harassing phone calls. So I called my cell phone company asked about getting the call-block on a specific number, but they have no way of doing so. Sooooo, I opted to have my cell number changed. Then, there came more aggravation with the automated voice-prompts and getting cut off.

So I had my hubby to take care of this mess. I got the new cell phone number, but they had screwed up my voice-mail number! UUUGGGHHHH!!!! I was soooo mad! It seems I got madder and madder as the day went by…

So Hubby had to deal with more aggravation with the automated voice-prompts and then, some idiot cut him off! It was so terrible!

So anyway; we’ll have to go tomorrow to Radio Shack and have them take care of the mess with the voice-mail.

I know it’s UnChristian to feel that I wanted to wring somebody’s neck, but I’m at my wit’s end today. So I have calmed down enough as I write this. At least, I can get this off my chest. I was not even in such a great mood to chat with anybody tonight so I decided to get off-line before I would say something stupid in the chat room when my mind dwells on it. Of course, I was chatting earlier today, and my emotions was beginning to wear down because of the phone incidents, and called hubby to voice my frustration thus getting things off my chest.

While I was calming down; I was with my hubby talking and airing out the frustration with the phone company and such. Then, I did something productive by re-installing 3 programs onto this computer.

So now, I am just here writing out my feelings regarding this day.

You know? When you are so angry, it’s so hard to think straight. Yes, it’s very hard to think straight and clearly about the situation when we are so angry. Sometimes, we just lose our tempers. Yes, I have lost my temper. Some may call me a “Hot-head” Heehee. Well, that is one of the things that I have to deal with and trying my hardest not to sin. It’s very difficult, and I know I’ve had given in to sin so I had to repent of them.

So anyway; that is my rant for the day so I am done with venting. I’ll have to just pray about this mess. I know God forgives me. He knows that I will come back to Him to be set free from this.

Well, I’ll catch y’all laterz, folks.

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