Friday, August 31, 2007

Egg Yolks

I got a question for you if you can answer it. So……… how do you eat your eggs? That is a question to ask to see how many people would do the same thing that Ken does……

Well, this is how Ken eats his eggs. He’ll have his eggs cooked over-easy or over-medium. So whenever he eats his eggs; he’ll cut away the egg-whites and eat them. Then, he will carefully scoop up each egg-yolk from the plate and try to put it in his mouth without breaking the egg-yolk!

You see? This drives me up the wall! Ken cannot even remember how he had picked up this habit. So he’ll do this just to drive me crazy…

So he also wonders who else has this habit and why…. I bet he’s the only one who does this!!!! Maybe I’m wrong… I don’t know.

Soooo…. Who else does the same thing as Ken does???????? Huh? Let me describe it again. He eats his over-easy or over-medium egg-yolks WHOLE! Not just breaking the egg-yolk with a fork or knife, and then putting the broken-up egg-yolks in his mouth.

Anyway; he has done this for many years and he has NOT given up on that habit YET!!! LOL….. So I’m just wondering whenever he is going to remember how he had started this habit of eating the egg-yolks whole.

So I’m just wondering if Ken’s not alone in this vast whole world who eats his egg-yolks whole. Yeah, that’s one of my pet-peeves about my hubby, Ken. LOL…

Well, I’ll catch you all laterz God bless and take care. Cyas!

Cloud Reading......


Here is another one of those pet-peeves I have with Ken, my hubby. He likes to look at the clouds and then describe what he sees. A lot of times he has come up with some strange characters.

What drives me crazy is that he would describe something so provocative! I would like to just slap him silly sometimes for that. Why would Ken be looking at the cloud and then describe what he thought he saw. I just wonder sometimes.

Well, he has had come up with some weird ideas and descriptions. One of which was that he’d described one cloud formation as a male body part!!! I was shocked and I wanted to hide!!!!

Just today, he had described another cloud formation as the angel flipping a bird. I felt like slapping Ken silly on that one.

I know… He is simply weird! Sometimes; I think he’d had fallen off his rockers on those cloud formations. You know? His mind is pretty much wacked out from the psychiatric drugs and other mind-altering medications.

I know that some of you are wondering why I married this guy. I wonder too.

Well, anyway; I sometimes wonder if he will stop coming up with some disgusting things about the clouds. It would be nice if he would just describe the usual things like a puppy jumping the rope for example. But, oh, well. This is what I get for marrying this guy……

Well, that’s yet another pet-peeve I have about Ken, my hubby. I know I have many more as I come along….. You see? I want to keep the focus on the topic so I know what each blog is about. I know I tend to stray from the topic a little at times. So this is the reason I did this in the topic-form so it’s easier to keep track.

Now, who else would come up with the weird way to describe any cloud formations like Ken, my hubby? I’m curious as to see if anyone would be brave enough to describe the way Ken describes the clouds. I know that Ken has described some good things from the clouds and sometimes he had come up with such bad descriptions of the clouds.

So it hasn’t been the first time and it wouldn’t be the last either. I don’t mind Ken reading those clouds until he starts describing something awful in the clouds.

Well, I’ll let you go now to see another blog or do your things. God bless and take care. Have fun!

Bath Tub Test....

BathTub Test…..

It doesn't hurt to take a hard look at yourself from time to time, and this should help get you started. During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criterion was which defined whether or not a patient should be institutionalized.

"Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub."

"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup."

"No." said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window ?"


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids………

Hearing Aids………. Some may need them, and some won’t wear them because of pride. You know what you’re missing….

Well, some of you have read my blogs about how I was born with hearing impairment. Anyway; I wear hearing aids because I cannot hear well. I was born with Rubella Syndrome which is the birth defect that was contracted by my mother during her first trimester of her pregnancy. Yes, my mother has had contracted German measles.

I didn’t get to wear my hearing aids till I was nine years old. For the first nine years; they had really thought that I was mentally retarded or disabled. It has taken my mother and several of her friends to continue to convince them that I was really hearing impaired. My mother has tested me on her own talking normally as she would be talking to a normal hearing person or child. She increased her voice volume by speaking louder until I hear her voice. Of course, she was standing as a distance behind me doing this.

I got my first hearing aids at nine years of age when they finally realized that I have severe hearing impairment. So it has taken a lot of times for me to relearn how to speak and to listen to new things.

I was startled when I first heard a car-horn and asked what it was. I told that it was a car-horn! I was amazed at how much I missed hearing what I needed to hear.

So over the years, I had to learn a lot of my academic skills and do a lot of catching up after I’ve been moved to the regular elementary school when I was in 5th grade. Yes, it has taken me about up to two years to bring my academics up to par with most of the students my age. Oh, yeah, I was introduced to……… peer pressure and being picked on!!! (Yes, that is another blog for me to get to).

There is the good and the bad in wearing hearing aids. Good maintenance is the key when I’m in the high humidity area such as Florida. Remembering to change the batteries when it’s needed is another habit I had to develop since I used to keep forgetting to pack a package of batteries in my purse, and I seldom carried purses!!! Until I began my womanly-cycles, and that is when it was necessary to carry a purse. Then, it’s remembering where I last put my hearing aids when I go to bed and had to remember where I had placed them the next morning, especially when I had to go to school. Of course, I got chewed out for misplacing my hearing aids a few times.

One time; it got lost in the back-yard. Another time, they got washed along with the laundry. And the last time; I’ve really lost my hearing aids was when I went to my first day of high school and it was RAINING!!!!! I had no purse to put them in and I had no pockets either!!!! AAAACCCCCKKKK!!!! And, yes, they were found along the road as I have had to run home as fast as possible to get out of the rain. The, next day was spent on taking the hearing aids to the hearing dispenser to have them dried out.

And there is another advantage to wearing my hearing aids that almost everybody cannot do. Turn off the hearing aids when you find that your parents are yelling at you. I know that I have done this a number of times and they about drove my mother up the wall. LOL…. I also done that to aggravate a few of my teachers in school and, yep, I’ve gotten written up for it. Heehee. (Naughty, naughty.. I’d hear from some of yas). Heehee…

Well, I’m still claiming the healing from the Lord and I am waiting expecting the miracle. Until then, I’ll be wearing hearing aids for a very long time.

I have gone through about 9 pairs of hearing aids give or take a pair. I know that is a lot of money that has gone to pay for these hearing devices. Like I said, good maintenance is the key to having hearing aids that’ll last long.

Anyway; for those who have been listening to loud rock concerts, extra-loud stereos, and IPODs, please turn down those volumes otherwise you will regret losing your hearing later in life!!!!!!!!

I know that they will have to pay for the consequences of having to lose their hearing from listening to too much loud music and loud rock concerts. I’ve been to one rock concert and boy, it was LOUD and I had to take out my hearing aids!!!! So I don’t know if any of you have read about my hubby, Ken, wearing those toilet papers stuffed into his ears because of the loud bass from the speakers at the church. Those bass are bad on our hearing if you have them too loud.

Well, Ken is almost ready to get hearing aids, but his hearing isn’t severe enough to warrant the need for the pair.

And, going from the analog to digital hearing aids sure has made a difference in my hearing!!! I have worn analog hearing aids for many years since I was nine years old. I mean these digital hearing aids do sound ten times better than what I have been so used to for so many years! There were certain ranges that I have not pretty much heard until I started wearing these digital hearing aids in October of 2006, and, yes, my hearing has improved with a bit of training my brain; it has taken me a while to get used to them.

So anyway; that is the story about me and my hearing aids. Oh, I don’t like wearing hearing aids, but they are necessary for me to hear what I’m supposed to hear.

So now you know about my hearing aids and how I’ve used them. I’m thankful that I will not be taking what is left of my hearing for granted, and they are the gift from God. So be thankful for the hearing that you have. You will never know how useful that your hearing will be in many situations and occasions such as listening to music or somebody singing, or a quiet laughter.

Well, that is about it for now about my hearing aids. I will catch you all laterz. Y’all take care and have fun. God bless.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Dream Of A "Ron"

A Dream of a “Ron”

I remember dreaming that this guy coming to hug me. And we were sort of dancing.. He looks so much like "Ron" but he's short and his hair is rather short. We were at some sort of an outdoor place… Yes, Ken was in it. And a few people are in it.

I'm writing this down while I still remember it….

It’s not very often that I remember the dreams nowadays…

I used to remember a lot of the dreams very well.If it’s something significant then, I’ll try to remember it.

Now about this dream, what is the significance of it? Good question… Does that mean I’ll soon meet this guy. By the way; he is wearing a yellow shirt. He sure looks so much like Ron near Palm Beach Florida… and Yes, I know of 4 Rons… My mother’s friend’s name is Ronnie, one of the Special Gathering member is named Ronald (we call him Ron) and a third Ron is one of my hubby’s old friends who has helped set-up the meeting between me and Ken in 92. It’s so weird that the name Ron would come into play. Maybe, God has a reason why this “Ron” would appear in my dream…

Hmm… Maybe I might meet a real Ron soon… that is most likely possibility in my opinion. Or maybe God is reminding me to continue pray for him. That is another most likely possibility. Anyway; I have to wonder though why I dreamed this dream out of curiosity…

The reason why this guy looks very familiar to me is that I’ve recognized him from the pictures he has shared with me. Anyway; I’m writing this piece of blog so I don’t forget this dream.

There are some dreams that I’ve felt compelled to remember for one reason or another. Now, I don’t remember many of them. So this is one reason why I dreamed about this dream. Maybe there is something special about it. I don’t know… Maybe it’s for me to find out.

At least, I’m remembering this one because there were times that I’ve kept getting the same or similar dreams of his nickname on the computer screen in the chat program… Oh, I’m remembering the snippets of them now. Well, it’s okay… Hopefully those dreams won’t be repeating itself again as often as they did… and I was about to go nuts about them. LOL….

Well, I’ll catch you all laters….. God bless….

Pet-Peeve: Lying About Being "So Busy"...

Another Pet-Peeve: Lying About Being “So Busy”…

Well, hello there, folks…

Well, I do have time to do this blog and I’m telling you the truth and I will follow through with posting this.

Sooooo, here is one of my pet-peeves when it comes to being online and doing stuffs on the internet… It is claiming to be busy when they’re really not, you KNOW that is LYING!!!!!!! Now, I have to deal with liars online as well. Thanks a lot for letting you know that you were sooooo “busy”… *sighs*…. I was quite peeved come to think of it. Somebody has lied to me when he was up around 3:00 am and has sent an email to his crush… I was like okay at first when this person sent an email to say sweet-nothings to her. And then go on the stupid MSN to chat on it…. I was like okay, how come you can’t go online and chat in a room go on in private chat with that young lady? Then, I got word from her since I was talking to her in the chat room last night that he was “sooooo busy” … I was like okay, maybe he’ll go online later on and explain what’s going on…. NOT!!!!!

Soooo don’t ever say that you’re busy to someone and then make someone tell someone else that you’re busy!!!! Are you that lazy? Or are you too busy sleeping.

So you DID have time to email and then instant message the young lady in the middle of the night, and then lie to me that you’re “busy”. How annoying….

You know I cannot stand people lying to me. I really cannot stand it when someone says one thing and then lie about it. Yes, I have caught this same man in his lies a number of times before, and I sort figured that it was the medications messing him up, but now I do not know. This person is very unpredictable, and you don’t what he is going to do and when... When he is like the “Sweet-and-Sour” dish.

Anyway; this is one of my big pet peeves about the people. I do not like it when people say one thing or another and then lie to me. I think I will pray for him to stop this annoyance. I really hate to say that he is starting to become a hypocrite.

You know? I have listened to that song from World Wide Message Tribe called “Hypocrite,” and, I just thought of it. Anyway; I had to deal with this person later about his lying because I didn’t appreciate having stay up all night and being told that he is busy in middle of the freaking night and he DID have time to write an email and then instant message the woman? Come on….Right now I am a bit ticked-off about it as I got up from bed and just thought about he has done.

Of course, I’ll say what I will say and then follow through with what I have to say. I did an “Unknown” blog and I have hidden it elsewhere on the Internet earlier this morning.

Soooooooooooo, I’m done with my writing about one of my pet-peeves… I know. I have many of them. Heehee. I’ll get to them when I am able to get to each one of them. See? I will follow through as soon as I get to them.

So I’ll catch you all later whenever I can. God bless and take care.


Sometimes; I just so happen to think about someone who happens to be “Unattainable” .. Could that person be attainable? I wonder… Someday, I would meet this person. It would be nice.

You know? I just hope that this person doesn’t know how I really feel towards him. Yes…. I almost said it. LOL… Well, I met this person in around 2004 or 5. I first met him in the #lobby of CCNET. Apparently; I didn’t realize that I would know more about him till later on. Amazing how I would be led to know this person.

I can describe this man. This much I know of him. He is tall. He says that he is modest though, and I know deep down he is handsome.

I know I know… he is unattainable. Why? Because I’m married to my handsome hubby, Ken. Kind of like having an affair. Huh?

Right now; I’m getting this out into this blog and hide this somewhere until someday that he will read this in the future.

Hmmm, Unattainable… why can’t I have something or someone that I cannot have? Good question… Maybe it’s the sinfulness of it all?

So I’m dealing with this issue of whether to keep this feeling to myself or just let it go. It’s hard to let go though.

You know? I just hope that all will be alright, and that I won’t be doing something that I shouldn’t. Yes, I have been tempted off and on about this man that I’ve met.

Now I op in his room on CCNET as a partner along with his friend. I didn’t start opping in this room till January of 2007. It’s really odd that I am really drawn to this guy.

Well, it all started in the #Lobby in the year 2004; I just so happened to be chatting in the main room when he simply showed up. We hit it off real well. So we’ve been talking off and on about the computers and other stuffs. I was in #Zola Levitt’s Room at the time and I remembered him being in the #lobby during the hurricane season. After all the hurricanes were gone at that time; I remembered us talking about damages from the hurricanes. Then, later, he had led me over to the RGC-Chat room. Amazing how one follows another. So met those people there.

Unbeknownst to me; I was led to know this guy. I didn’t know that he would be the one who would ask me to op in his room till a couple of years later. Gee, this is too much of the coincidences you know!

Anyway; I just want to tell you how I feel about this guy. Yes, he is single and a father of 2 kids. Notice I have NOT revealed his name or his nick…………yet. I am not ready to do so. I’m just gauging how I would handle myself.

I know that this is dangerous ground when it comes to affairs.

For years; I have been having the love affairs with the fantasy alien and artificial life forms. I have done this since I was a kid in order to get away from the world. And, I didn’t have to deal with the consequences of the love affairs. Of course, Ken knows all this.

Now, I’m dealing with my feelings towards another human being. There are times that I have been tempted to just pack up and buy the bus ticket and be gone from this place.

Okay, now; I just hope that nothing happens where I have to deal with the consequences of following though with my love for another man. Like I said, I’m not ready!

I didn’t think I’d be having feelings for this guy till March, man, I was like, “Gee, what is going on here?” To me; it’s shocking that I’d be having feelings for another real live human being.

I think I’m nutz to even consider that I’d be in love with this guy. Maybe I am…. So what is wrong with this picture?

Well, I can tell you that he has this strange aversion to penguins. I can think of the several possibilities of why he is afraid of penguins.

Anyway; now you know why he is “Unattainable”. He is a sweet guy and loves his family..

You know? I just hope he doesn’t know how I really feel about him. I just hope that I will not be forward about my feelings towards him. Yes, he has a crush on someone else and I pray that this relationship would be a success between him and her. I think it’s better that way… Hmm, I don’t know…. There is no telling how well this relationship will go since he has had bad experiences with the online romances. I have witnessed the break-up of one of the 2 relationships..

Maybe, I’m jealous, I really don’t know. I am happy that he and another lady from another country would message each other,, but I get jealous, too. Now that is sad when I tell of my fears. I have wondered what if they really proposed and get married. I pray that it would be so great for them, and that I will no longer be jealous and have unrequited love for him.

This is how I feel about him. He is attainable and I love him. I will continue to be a close friend to him no matter what despite my feelings for him. I have to remember that I still have my hubby. I really do.

You see? I don’t want anything to happen to destroy our marriage. Yes, I have told of my feeling for this guy to Ken and he understands and he is not jealous about this. If you don’t believe what I have told Ken, ask him and he will tell you.

So…… I can only tell you how I feel about this guy. Oh, and he is from south Florida. That is why I mentioned the busy ticket. Yes, I’ll get to him one of those days when we have enough money to down south.

So this is a little about the real me, and of my real feelings. I didn’t want to start this blog till I find the right place to hide it in. Like I said; I’m not quite ready to tell the whole world just yet.

Where I have place this blog; he will not know about this till later or when the “right” time comes. He will have no way of knowing how I feel until the time is right. I know that it is hard to find the right time for anything.

Yes, he is very unattainable for me as someone that I’d be falling in love with. And NO, I am still not going to reveal his name or his nickname.

So here I am still married to Ken and I have feelings for someone else. I do love my husband. And the temptation is so great!!!!

So I am swearing to secrecy of my feelings towards this guy. Hmm, I guess I can name him “Ron”. And nothing more. I am swearing to secrecy of my feeling for Ron and that he will not know of this and many other blogs about him until the “right” time. I just pray that nothing bad will happen, and that I’m able to tell of my feeling and not follow through with them. If I followed through with my feelings and I’m still married to Ken, I’d be in BIG trouble! So this is why I am swearing this and all the other blogs to secrecy. Maybe Ron will never know…. Maybe he will find out in the future. I don’t know.

I don’t think I’d be around to get yelled at when Ron finds out where the hidden blogs about him are.

I know.. I’m in trouble and I will always be when I talk about Ron. Heehee………..

I guess that is about it for now. I will see you later. Blessings!!!!


Monday, August 20, 2007

Phone Calls Rants...

I soooo wanted to wring somebody’s neck today….. Today, I had to deal with the harassing phone calls from an unknown phone number in Utah. This has started about 5 days ago on Thursday morning. I have first missed those calls until they have become persistent on Friday. I did some checking online and have found that a lot of people are having the same problems as I have, and it is very frustrating.

Same thing happened on Saturday and Sunday. It was getting very aggravating. Today, on Monday, I simply blew my fuse. I was so fed up with these harassing phone calls. So I called my cell phone company asked about getting the call-block on a specific number, but they have no way of doing so. Sooooo, I opted to have my cell number changed. Then, there came more aggravation with the automated voice-prompts and getting cut off.

So I had my hubby to take care of this mess. I got the new cell phone number, but they had screwed up my voice-mail number! UUUGGGHHHH!!!! I was soooo mad! It seems I got madder and madder as the day went by…

So Hubby had to deal with more aggravation with the automated voice-prompts and then, some idiot cut him off! It was so terrible!

So anyway; we’ll have to go tomorrow to Radio Shack and have them take care of the mess with the voice-mail.

I know it’s UnChristian to feel that I wanted to wring somebody’s neck, but I’m at my wit’s end today. So I have calmed down enough as I write this. At least, I can get this off my chest. I was not even in such a great mood to chat with anybody tonight so I decided to get off-line before I would say something stupid in the chat room when my mind dwells on it. Of course, I was chatting earlier today, and my emotions was beginning to wear down because of the phone incidents, and called hubby to voice my frustration thus getting things off my chest.

While I was calming down; I was with my hubby talking and airing out the frustration with the phone company and such. Then, I did something productive by re-installing 3 programs onto this computer.

So now, I am just here writing out my feelings regarding this day.

You know? When you are so angry, it’s so hard to think straight. Yes, it’s very hard to think straight and clearly about the situation when we are so angry. Sometimes, we just lose our tempers. Yes, I have lost my temper. Some may call me a “Hot-head” Heehee. Well, that is one of the things that I have to deal with and trying my hardest not to sin. It’s very difficult, and I know I’ve had given in to sin so I had to repent of them.

So anyway; that is my rant for the day so I am done with venting. I’ll have to just pray about this mess. I know God forgives me. He knows that I will come back to Him to be set free from this.

Well, I’ll catch y’all laterz, folks.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Christian-Chat Network

Christian-Chat Network…….

Christian-Chat Network has been one of the many Christian servers of the Internet. It has been around since 1996. This is a long few years before I came on the scene in January of 1999. It is a free mission-based ministry for all chatters who are welcomed to learn of God. This server has a collection of many rooms geared for different topics. This is the place where each one is here to learn from the Word of God, have prayer services, and most of all fellowship.

The Christian-Chat Network has been my second home, in a way. I have never thought that I would be ministering to the people here in different chat rooms. It is amazing how God would lead me to be involved in such a ministry.

This ministry of Christian-Chat Network has gone through many changes. It has grown and then pruned. It has grown again to new heights as the name has been transferred back and forth until it returned to its rightful owner. So it is like a second home to me.

I was still brought back to this Christian-Chat Network even if I went to different servers. Now, it is for real that I’m staying with this server. So from then on; I’ll be staying here till God leads me to new ventures.

I have started in the Java-based software in the #SpiritLed_Woman chat room through the SpiritLed Woman’s website. It was a whole new world for me. That is when I met Bethel there. Then, I graduated to the mIRC software and soon after I found the #Lobby. I have met a lot of people there. It is amazing when I remembered a lot of those names when I was reminiscing with a friend. I’ve met Tazz4, Jackie, Shell, Wings, Bride, Kathe, Guardian, FlamingIdiot, and so many chatters along the way. I wish I could name them all….. Oh, yeah, and KShadow…

Speaking of KShadow, I have seen him off and on the IRC (Inter-Relay-Chat) server was I’m in the #Lobby. Well, I vaguely remembered at one time or another this “KShadow” kept popping in and out of the #Lobby and the people in there wondered if he had Internet trouble. It was unbeknownst to all of us it was another unknown chatter who was trying to clean out KShadow’s settings of his CCNET Script. So that was the last of the KShadow character. I did not know who that unknown chatter till this year when a friend revealed who he was then.

Anyway; the Christian-Chat Network has been my hang-out for a long time as I met a lot of friends. Well, most has come and gone, and a few has remain to this day. Some has taken a sabbatical for up to 2 years or more. Some has simply left the server and never came back. And, one of the special ops in #Lobby has passed away in 2002 or 2003 (I can’t remember which year it was…).

There was so much to catch up on some of the chatters. Some of them that have come back have gone through a lot of changes. One of those chatters who have come back over 2 years ago is now my close friend this year. It’s funny how some people would become friends till the end, (Or to Heaven).

I used to operate or monitor several chat rooms on CCNET before the separation of the servers. I have been opping until the tragedy had struck in our families in July of 2002. So I had to remove myself from being an op in a lot of rooms. I did not go back to chat till months later. Well, I never opped in any more rooms till January of 2007 which is this year when the same close friend had asked me to op in his room. It’s amazing how God works in our favor. He knows what He is doing. He is like, “Hmm, let me put Snapstur in with this guy’s room here. She’d be a great help for DadSonDaughter.” Heehee… So the rest is history there. I’ll tell you more him and his room later.

Now I’m monitoring or operating 5 different chat rooms on this Christian-Chat Network. I still have many friends there, and I have become close friends with some of them. God has led me to this sever 8 years ago, and I have no idea that I would be ministering to a lot chatters there. So I have made it my second home where I can be myself and be able to share my testimonies with many people. I have enjoyed every minute of this chat experience even though I have a few run-ins with very few people. I have ministered to a lot people especially the women. Some of them were either inspired or upset... but most of all they have come away with a nugget of God’s Word.

Many people have accepted Jesus while other returned to Jesus through this chat experience. Yes, there are those who have refused the invitation of salvation and remained lost in the world. I am thankful that God has led BrianO to create such a ministry in 1996. I have met him in person when I went with Bethel, and a friend to the Strang Communications in Lake Mary Florida. He is still around and doing a lot of things while off the server.

To this day; I’m chatting on the same server and still ministering to a lot of people there. I lift up God’s Name because He does have the credit for allowing BrianO to lead this ministry. So I pray that this Christian-Chat Network will continue to grown and minister to people who are seeking the answers to the Word of God and to be able to fellowship with other people in the different rooms.

So if you wish to come visit the Christian-Chat Network; you’ll find me in some of the rooms as “Snapstur” whenever I log on. Feel free to chat and fellowship and ask questions about the Lord. Yes, there are Bible Studies and Devotionals as well as the Prayer Services in the various rooms. Here is the web address for this wonderful Christian chat

You’ll also find so much information about this IRC chat. I hope you’ll enjoy. I hope to see some of you as well.

So may God bless and take care. J